然而在应用程序中调用的时候,却出了点问题:整个运行过程是有效的,并且参数也都传递成功,但是当结束了该API函数执行后每次都会弹出“Invalid pointer operation”的异常。调用代码如下:
在google里搜索Invalid pointer value发现遇到同样问题的同志也不在少数。顺藤摸瓜,终于在Delphi联机帮助里找到了下面的描述:
On Windows, if a DLL exports routines that pass long strings or dynamic arrays as parameters or function results (whether directly or nested in records or objects), then the DLL and its client applications (or DLLs) must all use the ShareMem unit. The same is true if one application or DLL allocates memory with New or GetMem which is deallocated by a call to Dispose or FreeMem in another module. ShareMem should always be the first unit listed in any program or library uses clause where it occurs.
ShareMem is the interface unit for the BORLANDMM.DLL memory manager, which allows modules to share dynamically allocated memory. BORLANDMM.DLL must be deployed with applications and DLLs that use ShareMem. When an application or DLL uses ShareMem, its memory manager is replaced by the memory manager in BORLANDMM.DLL.
Linux uses glibc's malloc to manage shared memory.
Linux下使用glibc的malloc来管理共享内存。】上述问题仅在windows里才有啊,呵呵,于是在dll里把Uses子句的top 1增加ShareMem引用,另外在应用程序的Project域的Uses子句第一个引用也加上ShareMem。最后编译,运行,没有看到哪个烦人的异常提示了:P